MRLAP launches Timor-Leste Public Administration Reform Program

September 17, 2019 – The Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs and its Office of Administrative Innovation (aka GIA, from the Portuguese acronym) convene this Tuesday and Wednesday a Consultation Colloquium on the Public Administration Reform (PAR) Program to move forward with the Reform, together with senior Public Administration officials, including General Directors and National Directors of all Ministerial Lines. The Colloquium venue is the MSSI in Caicoli, Dili.

The current process is part of the Launch of the Government Public Administration Reform, which is defined as a priority program of the VIII Constitutional Government for the period 2019-2023.

The meeting’s goals are the socialization of the program and the mobilization of state agencies so that each ministry may identify its own reform priorities and each one of the line ministries organize a roadmap first draft featuring their own priorities. A working group will be established with focal points from each area of government. About 50 leaders of Public Administration agencies take part in today’s Consultation Colloquium, as well as representatives of GIA and other MRLAP experts.

The Public Administration Reform Program was presented in August to the Council of Ministers with the members of the government expressing their support. The GIA now extends the organizing process for the PAR implementation, in order to encompass all senior public administration officials.

A second Colloquium will be held on the same theme later this month, aimed at the consultation of Development partners and private sector and civil society organizations’ representatives.
