Asia Foundation’s COO appreciates Timorese successes since 1999

August 28, 2019 – The Minister for Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs and Acting Minister Coordinator for Economic Affairs and for Tourism, Industry and Trade, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, met this Wednesday with Ms. Suzanne Siskel, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Asia Foundation, who visits Timor-Leste to take part in the 20th Anniversary celebrations of the Referendum and the Interfet. The visiting delegation included the acting Asia Foundation resident representative, Margaret Bennet.

Minister Fidelis Magalhães informed the visiting delegation about the country’s priorities for economic diversification and the development of the business sector for job creation. He also detailed some government projects for the creation and protection of tourism destinations in Timor-Leste. The acting MTCI has included new projects to be implemented during the OGE 2020 exercise, focused in Dili and Ataúro, but also covering several municipalities, such as Liquiça, Ermera, Manufahi and Ainaro, among others.

Vice President Suzanne Siskel who lived for many years in our region expressed to the acting MKAE and the government her admiration for the development of Timor-Leste over the last 20 years and the willingness of the Asia Foundation to broaden its partnerships with the Government and to continue their support to businesses and civil society initiatives, especially in the tourism sector.
