Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of August 27, 2019

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the proposal for a Government resolution, presented by the Acting Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Agio Pereira, concerning the appointment of the official forwarder for import and export activities related to the Bayu-Undan field. With the signing of the Timor Sea Treaty one of the projects that will transition from the current Joint Petroleum Development Area to the exclusive jurisdiction of Timor-Leste is the Bayu-UndanProject, and as such this Government resolution aims to retain the company Altus Oil & Gas Services as an official forwarder in order to minimise disruption to ongoing operations as required by international obligations assumed by the state of Timor-Leste under the Treaty.

The Council of Ministers gave full powers to the Minister of Education Youth and Sport, Dulce de Jesus Soares, to sign the PRO-Português program, a partnership between this ministry INFORDEPE and Camões, the Institute of Cooperation and language. This project aims to contribute to the consolidation of the educational system of Timor-Leste through support to professional and continuous training of teaching staff of the non-tertiary education system. This program will replace the program Formar+, which ended in December 31, 2018 and will run between 2019 and 2022. The PRO-Português project, with the realization of encompasses 520 training hours for an average of 4,300 teachers per year, during the three years of the project, aiming to ensure all teachers of the national education system reach a B2 level of linguistic proficiency in Portuguese language by the end of 2022.

As an integral part of the celebrations program for the 20th anniversary of the Popular consultation, on the morning of August 29th, religious celebrations will be held simultaneously by the five main religious confessions represented in Timor-Leste, which will be attended by members of the Eight Constitutional Government. The Catholic celebration, will take place in the Cathedral of Dili and have the presence of the Minister of Justice, the Protestant celebration will be held in the Osana Church with the presence of the Minister of Education Youth and Sport, the Minister of Public Works will accompany the Islamic ceremonies in the An-Nur Mosque, the celebrations at the Buddhist temple will be accompanied by the Vice- Minister for Strategic Development of Health and finally the Hindu ceremonies, which will take place in the temple Pura Girinatha will have on the presence of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. ENDS

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=22731