Manufahi Municipality has New Building for Tuberculosis Disease

Deputy Minister for Strategic Health Development and Interim Health Minister (VMDESMSI) Mr. Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis inaugurated the Kmanek Tuberculosis (TB) Building, Tuberculosis Laboratory (TB), Kitchen and Laundry at the Municipal Health Service (SSM) Manufahi on July 11, 2019.

In his speech, Deputy Minister Bonifacio Maucoli said that, based on the program of the Ministry of Health of the Eight Constitutional Government, the ministry is committed to health infrastructure which is an essential component of providing health care for the community. Proper infrastructure will have favorable conditions and provide more health privacy to the patient.

“On behalf of the Ministry of Health, I would like to congratulate the initiative of the relevant parties at the national level specifically the National Development Agency (ADN) and the municipal level leader, with the provided funding initiative to make the facility health sufficient for give health care to the community”, he said.

There are many experiences that show us that after the inauguration, some health buildings were not used at most, were abandoned, because they were damaged by the community itself, and he hopes that the same will not happen in the municipality of Manufahi, pointed out the Vice Minister.

The Deputy Minister also brought to the attention of the Director of the Municipal Health Service (SSM) Manufahi with his structures and health professionals, to make a good use of this new building so that it can enable the tuberculosis patient to rest and obtain good care, and to feel comfortable when there is well-prepared food, clean and hygienic bedding and sanitation. These factors will contribute to the reduction of the risk for disease and nosocomial infection.
