The Government Launches Foreign Aid Policy

The Government of Timor Leste will launch a new “Foreign Aid Policy” document on 4th of July, 2019, which will be held in Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, Ministry of Finance. The policy is based on the principles that have been agreed upon at the 2005 Paris Declaration, and reaffirmed at the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action and 2011 Busan Declaration.

With this document, the Government intends to align all development partner’s activities to the priorities of the Government, set new guidelines for approval so that there is better coordination of activities, and integrate the portfolio of donor funded projects in the national planning and budgeting system.

The launch of this policy document will take place in the context of Timor-Leste Development Partners’ Meeting which will be chaired jointly by the Ministry of finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation starting from 3 – 4 July, 2019.

Timor-Leste Development Partners’ Meeting for 2019, adopts “Deepening Coordination for Financing Development” as the main topic of the Meeting. The objective is to achieve higher efficiency and effectiveness in aid delivery through deeper coordination and alignment between the Government’s priorities, enshrined in the Strategic Development Plan, and the Development Partners’ activities.

Timor-Leste Development Partners’ Meeting will start with the bilateral meetings on 2nd- 3rd of July, 2019 at the Meeting Room , located at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Rua Praía dos Coqueiros, Dili.

Timor-Leste Development Partners’ Meeting will be attended by high ranking officials from Timor-Leste, which will include the President of the Republic Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak and the President of the National Parliament, Arão Noé de Jesus da Costa Amaral , alongside the representatives of donor countries as well those of the multilateral organizations.

The spirit and the commitments pledged by the relevant stakeholders during the Meeting will be enshrined in a document to be issued at the end of proceedings as the “Díli Commitment for Action”.
