Message on the occasion of the International Day of the Family

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Message on the occasion of the International Day of the Family

Every year, on May 15, the International Day of the Family is celebrated in Timor-Leste and throughout the World, reminds us of the importance of the constitutional duty to “protect the family as the society’s basic unit and a condition for the harmonious development of the individual” (Article 39, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste).

It is an excellent opportunity to discuss the new challenges that arise, in particular, for our young citizens, both national and foreign, who, wishing to establish, plan and live within the family, face the difficulties of sustainability, socio-economic well-being or moral, ethical and religious character that influence our world in an increasingly globalized and interdependent transformation.

In this small family democracy, present at the heart of society, we can realize ourselves as children, as spouses and as parents and we find in this womb a true refuge for our physical and mental health, which gives us renewed energies to face the circumstances of a life more and more hurried, demanding and competitive.

Holy Family Day may not be a holiday, nor be marked in important protocol ceremonies, but it is a real opportunity to promote unity, team spirit, solidarity, partnership and tolerance, which, by building healthy families in our communities, contributes actively to the good functioning of society, an essential condition in the current phase of national development.

As the family is a blessing from God, it is fair to send to all those who suffer in want, orphanhood, divorce or abandonment, a word of courage and support and the good examples of a society that, valuing the role of family, seeks to promote an increasingly fair and equitable country where inclusion and social solidarity reign.

To all the sons and daughters, to all the husbands and wives, and to all Timorese and foreign families who contribute with their willful and persevering service to an ever more modern, developed and prosperous Timor-Leste, I would like to present on behalf of the Eight Constitutional Government, our sincere thanks!

The Families are also heroes, sometimes forgotten, that contribute a lot to the national development, and to build the Strong, Rich and Safe Nation, that we so much ambition. ENDS
