Public Service Commission receives equipment from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) handed over to the Public Service Commission (CFP) office equipment to be used at the National Directorate of Labor Force and Public Mobility, in a ceremony held on May 6, 2019, in the headquarters of this Directorate of the CFP.

The delivery note was signed by the Director General of PCM, Pedro Feno and the Executive Secretary of the CFP, Maria de Jesus Sarmento. The equipment consists of 200 computers and 200 tables and chairs, the latter produced in Same, Timor-Leste.

The Executive Secretary of CFP thanked the PCM for accepting the request of the Public Service Commission, providing this equipment that will assist CFP in continuing the process of promoting public servants. Maria de Jesus Sarmento also expressed her satisfaction with the quality of the equipment and the furniture produced in Timor-Leste.

The Director General of PCM explained that the delivery of the equipment comes following the request made in 2018 by the Commission to the Prime Minister who asked the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to organize the public tender process for the acquisition of equipment that will support the modernization of public administration.

Pedro Feno also noted that the computers and furniture were chosen according to the specifications requested by the Civil Service Commission and stressed that the two hundred tables and chairs were produced locally, in teak wood from the Same region.

Present at the ceremony were the Chairman of the Public Service Commission, José Telo, the National Director of State Patrimony, National Directors, Heads of Department and PCM employees.
