Meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 17, 2019

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 17, 2019

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and reviewed the presentation of the Secretariat of the Voluntary National Review (VNR) Working Group of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During the presentation, the Secretariat of the Working Group submitted to the Government members for consideration the text with eleven key messages, aligned with the Eight Government’s Program and which constitute the main axis of the communication that the country intends to transmit on progress in implementation of the SDGs. The members of the Government presented recommendations to amend the final text of the key messages that will be sent to the headquarters of the United Nations until May 17, 2019. The Council of Ministers had already approved, at the meeting of February 13, 2019 , the main recommendations for VNR and during the months of February and March consultations were held with civil society organizations. The final report and key messages will be presented at the United Nations High Level Political Forum, which will take place between the 9th and the 18th of July 2019 in New York.

The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos, presented the proposal for a Government Resolution, approved with amendments by the Council of Ministers, on the appointment of the President and Vice-President to the Executive Board of the National Institute of Sciences and Technology (INCT). In accordance with the Strategic Development Plan and the Government Program, the present diploma sets the appointment of José Cornélio Guterres to serve a four-year term as President of the Executive Council of INCT and the appointment of Afonso de Almeida to the position Vice-President of the Executive Council of INCT, for the next four years. The mission of the INCT is to promote the dissemination and promotion of culture, scientific and technological knowledge, science and technology education, as well as the availability of data and information of national interest.

The Council of Ministers reviewed the proposal presented by the Secretary of State for National Liberation Combatants, Gil da Costa Monteiro ‘Oan Soru’, of a memorandum of understanding between Timor-Leste and the Government of Tasmania that will allow national veterans to participate in a professional training and development program for the management and preservation of national parks, with the objective of conserving the national natural and cultural heritage, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the communities and to promoting the development of historical and sustainable tourism. The proposal will be re-examined at a subsequent meeting following the opinion of the relevant Ministries. ENDS
