New version of OGE 2019 approved in the National Parliament

The National Parliament approved today, January 31, 2019, the new version of the proposed law of the General State Budget for 2019 with 40 votes in favor and 25 against.

The MEPs responded to the concerns raised by the President of the Republic, which vetoed the first version of the document, by adopting three amendments, the first regarding the subtraction of US $ 650 million for the purchase of a participation in Greater Sunrise, the second related to the maximum amount to be withdrawn from the Petroleum Fund, which will be US $ 1,194.4 million, and the third relating to the adjustment of the total value of OGE expenditures from US $ 2 132 million to US $ 1 482 million, allowing a significant reduction of about 30%

In his speech, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak reiterated that “the Government intends, through the General State Budget, to make available resources to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public institutions in providing services to citizens and businesses which, legitimately, want more and better health, more and better education, more and better jobs, more and better housing, more mobility, better business environment, and more opportunity for all”. In order to achieve this, “it is imperative to provide the State with a budget as soon as possible”, stressed the Prime Minister.

The new version of the OGE 2019 bill will now be sent to the President of the Republic and as the initial document has been modified, it is to be considered a new budget proposal within a maximum of 30 days.
