Meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 29, 2018

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 29, 2018

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and began with the approval of the organic of the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry, the government department responsible for designing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating the policies defined and approved by the Council of Ministers for the areas of tourism, commercial and industrial economic activities.

The Government approved the organic of the State Secretariat of Cooperatives, the government department responsible for promoting and strengthening the social economy sector and deepening cooperation between the State and the organizations that integrate the sector, with a view to stimulating its potential to serve the socio-economic development of the country.

The Council of Ministers approved a proposal for a Decree-Law presented by the interim Finance Minister, regarding the payment of a subsidy corresponding to the 13th month, to all officials and agents of the Public Administration.

A proposal for a Government Decree presented by the acting Minister of Finance was also approved, regarding the payment of a supplement to be given to officials and agents of the Ministry of Finance, involved in the process of preparing the State Budget for 2019 and the closing of State account for the year 2018.

The Government also approved the introduction of the first amendment to Government Decree No. 9/2018 of October 8, on the implementation of the State’s general budget for 2018.

The Council of Ministers approved by means of a Government Resolution, a draft of the new Bylaws of the TL Cement and the Shareholder Agreement between the State of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the partners of TL Cement, Lda. TL Cement is a company set up to develop cement production and sale, through the implementation of an investment project in the municipality of Baucau, which involves the construction of a limestone extraction and cement production unit. Ends
