Government congratulates the new Prime-Minister of Australia

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Government congratulates the new Prime Minister of Australia

The Government of Timor-Leste congratulates Scott John Morrison on his nomination as Prime Minister of Australia and wishes the greatest successes in the performance of his noble functions.

Timor-Leste and Australia share a historic and special bond that unites both peoples since World War II, and which we will reinforce with the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Mission of INTERFET, scheduled for 2019.

We also share common interests in favor of peace, stability, security, development and progress and Australia is now our greatest partner in the effort to consolidate a secure, healthy, prosperous and resilient Democratic Rule of Law.

With our recent success in the ratification of the Treaty on Maritime Borders, a great example was given to the World and a renewed impetus for strengthening our ties of trust and fraternal friendship.

Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak in his letter of congratulations to the new Prime Minister of Australia said he had “great hope that, with the support of Scott John Morrison, good results can be achieved in the ongoing negotiations on the resources of the Greater Sunrise in order to maximize its benefits in favor of the population and the economic development of Timor-Leste”.

Taur Matan Ruak also expressed his “strong desire to continue strengthening the close ties of friendship, solidarity and cooperation that unite the two countries,” expressing the “honor and privilege” of welcoming a visit of the Australian Prime Minister to Timor-Leste. ENDS
