Government expresses condolences for the death of Keith Hayes

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Government expresses condolences for the death of Keith Hayes

It was with great sadness that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste received the news of the death of Mr. Keith Hayes, an Australian veteran and survivor of World War II.

Keith Hayes, after being injured in battle in Timor-Leste during World War II, was rescued by a Timorese family, marking the beginning of a great friendship with our people that lasted for the rest of his life.

While Keith showed remarkable courage as a commando during war, on his return to Australia he continued to fight. It was with deep empathy and care that he actively supported the Timorese people including in our struggle for freedom and independence as well as our endeavours to develop our new nation. This lifelong support was a shining light in the relationship between our countries and showed us all the possibilities of solidarity between our peoples. We held his friendship dear to our hearts and we mourn the passing of a truly great Australian.

Keith will always have an important place in the history of our country and our relationship with Australia. While he was both humble and unassuming, his courage, integrity and determination to fight for human dignity and for the Timorese people will not be forgotten. At this time of sadness we both mourn his passing and celebrate his contribution.

The Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, on behalf of the Timorese People, offers condolences to the family of Keith Hayes and give thanks from a grateful nation. ENDS
