International Conference on Affairs of the Sea – Timor-Leste: The Century of the Sea

The National Defense Institute of Timor-Leste (IDN-TL) organizes an international conference in the auditorium of the Ministry of Finance on August 16-17, which aims to promote across all sectors of Timorese society the vital importance of the sea to the country, declaring the 21st Century as the period in which Timor-Leste must orient itself towards the sea.

International Conference on Sea Matters – Timor-Leste: The century of the Sea

August 16


08:30 Arrival and Registration
09:00 Openlng Ceremony, IDN Director, Donaciano Costa Gomes
09:05 Opening Speech, H.E. Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira
09:25 Themes Presentation, MC/Moderador
09:30 1st Presentation – Timor-Leste and the Sea, CMG Donaciano Costa Gomes
10:00 2nd Presentation – The Maritime Border Delimitation, H.E. Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira
10:30 Brief Coffee Break
10:00 3rd Presentation – Geopolitics of the Sea in a Global and Regional Context – China and the Rest, Professor Heitor Barras Romana
11:15 Moderator-Led Debate, Dr. Avelino Coelho
12:30 Lunch Buffet


14:25 Themes Presentation , MC/Moderador
14:30 4th Presentation – The lmportance of Geopolitics and lnterconectivity of the RAEOA (ZEEMS Project) and Atauro
within Timor-Leste’s National Development Framework, H.E. Dr. Mari Alkatiri
15:00 5th Presentation – Contrlbutions to a Maritime Security Model for Timor-Leste, Admiral António Silva Ribeiro
15:30 Brief Coffee Break
15:45 6th Presentation – Development of the Military Capability of Timor-Leste within the Natonal Security Framework, Major-General Lere Anan Timur
16:45 Moderator-Led Debate, Dr.ª Ângela Carrascalão
17:30 End of the 1 st Day

August 17


8:45 Presentation of the 2nd Oay Programme
09:00 Themes Presentation
09:05 7th Presentation – Development of Tasi-Mane Project, H.E. Eng°. Alfredo Pires
09:35 8th Presentation – Deep Waters Ports – The Conexion between Strategic Jnterests /nfraestructures and the New Silk Road Project,
Professor Dr. Shuo Ma
10:05 Brief Coffee Break
10:20 9th Presentation – Port Management- To Enhance Non-Petroleum Revenues (Challenges, Experience and Expansion of Ports in Portugal), Professor Dr. Eduardo Martins
10:50 Moderator-Led Debate, CMG Donaciano Costa Gomes
12:30 Lunch Buffet


14:00 Cultural Presentation
14:10 Presentation of the Conference’s Summary and of the NDI-TL Annual Programmes for 2019
14:25 lnauguration of the Research Space for Sea Related Matters
14:35 10th Presentation – The UN Reforrn and World Peace Processes, H.E. Dr. José Ramos Horta
14:50 Offering of Gifts to Speakers
15:00 Closing Speech H.E. Presidente da República Francisco Guterres Lú Olo
15:15 Closing Ceremony
15:30 Finishing of the Closing Ceremony
16:30 Cocktail and Musical Performance
19:30 Oficial Dinner