Government discusses top priorities for 2019

The Eight Constitutional Government met today, August 7, 2018, at the Government Palace in Dili to discuss the main priorities for the General State Budget for 2019.

At the meeting, which was attended by all members of the Government, the Prime Minister presented as the main priorities of the Executive the control of expenses and the increase of non-oil revenues, in order to reduce the dependence on the revenues of this sector as well a greater effort on the part of all Ministries to ensure increased economic growth, poverty reduction and the creation of new jobs.

The priority for 2019 in the health sector will be human resources, with an increase in the number of professionals in the sector and a strong commitment to specialization according to the needs of the country, in order to reduce the need for treatments abroad.

In ​​media sector, the Government intends to focus on the development of the Tatoli News Agency, transforming it into a reference news agency in the country and abroad.

In the infrastructure sector, the Government will give priority to access to drinking water for the whole population, to the development and improvement of roads and bridges with a special focus on rural roads and to investment in renewable energy.

The priorities for 2019 in the area of ​​culture will be the creation of a cultural center in Liquiça and the rehabilitation of the Ai Pelo prison, the construction of the national library and the development of historical-cultural tourism.
The Government also intends to improve the registration and creation of cooperatives, aims to create a production and distribution center for cooperatives, establish new regional training centers, continue to support business creation by women’s groups and follow the most successful groups towards their transformation into companies.
