Presentation of the Eight Constitutional Government Program at the National Parliament

The Eight Constitutional Government Program was presented at the National Parliament on the 25th of July, by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak

The document was delivered on the 20th July to the President of Parliament, after it was approved by the Council of Ministers.

The Program intends to “reflect the aspirations of the Timorese people and the priority measures for sustainable development, based on the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, contributing to transform Timor-Leste into a lower and upper-middle income country, where the population may live safely and is healthy, educated and prosperous”.

The 137-page document, which expresses the commitments made by the Eight Constitutional Government, for the next 5 years of government, will be debated in Parliament up to the 27th July.

To read the press release of the Council of Ministers of the 20th July 2018, click here.

To read Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak’s speech, click here.
