Minister of Defense sworn-in

The President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, swore in Filomeno Paixão as Minister of Defense of the Eigth Government, at a ceremony held on July 9 at the President Nicolau Lobato’s Palace in Dili.
In his speech, the Prime Minister emphasized the “honesty, experience and competence” of Filomeno Paixão and acknowledged “the merit in the services given to the Nation during the struggle for national liberation and during the almost twenty years of construction of a modern Defense Force, professional and efficient, capable of responding to the multiple challenges of internal and external defense in the world today”.
Taur Matan Ruak also said that he “believes that this appointment can reinforce Timor-Leste’s commitment to contributing to the stability, prosperity, security and harmony of the nation, which are fundamental conditions for joining ASEAN and for consolidating the of the Democratic Rule of Law”.
