Transitional Ministerial Administration

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Dili, 26th of June 2018

Transitional Ministerial Administration

Considering that the 8th Constitutional Government took office last Friday, June 22nd, and that, therefore, the most urgent work in each ministry should begin quickly;

Considering also that some members of the new Government have not yet been sworn-in, in particular some ministers, and that in some cases there is a lack of institutional leadership necessary for the ‘portfolio transition’ and for the commitments associated with the day-to-day management of the ministries;

Considering a previous Decision that the Minister of State and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers was entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating the affairs of the Ministry of Health, among others, while the Minister of Health is not sworn-in;

Considering also that the two Vice-Ministers of Health have already been sworn in and that the Ministry appears to be prepared to advance to the immediate work needed under the temporary leadership of one of these members of the Government;

As such, and in accordance with part c) of n.º 1 of Article 117 of the Constitution of the Republic, the Prime-Minister declares that:

  1. The Ministry of Health is, on a transitional basis, under the leadership of the Vice-Minister of Health, Élia António de Araújo dos Reis Amaral, who shall ensure coordination of all activities of the Ministry.
  2. The delegation of powers to the Vice-Minister refered to in the preceding paragraph shall automatically terminate when the Minister of Health is sworn in, or when this order is expressly revoked.

Order n.º 002/PM/VI/2018 is partially revoked in what concerns the transitional coordination of the Ministry of Health by the Minister of State and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira. ENDS
