Additional Audit Requests to the TSAFC Audit Chamber

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government


Press Release

Dili, 20th March  2018

Additional Audit Requests to the TSAFC Audit Chamber

This Tuesday, March 20th 2018, the Prime Minister, Marí Alkatiri, made a formal request for an audit of all financial management operations and accounts of the TIMOR-GAP – Timor Gás & Petróleo, E.P., Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais Timor-Leste (ANPM) and Serviço Nacional de Cadastro de Timor-Leste, covering the period between 9th August 2012 and 14th September 2017, which corresponds to the previous legislature.

This request follows the previous requests sent on the 6th of February and on the 20th of February, to carry out audits to all financial management operations and accounts of the Special Administrative Region of Oé-Cusse Ambeno (SAROA), covering the period between 2016 and the present, and of the Treasury, the Ministry of Public Works, transport and Communications, AND, the Fund for Infrastructures, and the Ministry of Tourism, covering the period correspondent to the previous legislature.

In the letter addressed to the President of the Court of Appeal and the Administrative, Fiscal and Accounting High Court, Judge Deolindo Santos, the Prime Minister justified the audit requests by stating that “the country’s management must be guided, at all times, by principles of rigor, transparency and accountability. Without exceptions. It is therefore necessary to ensure transparency in the Public Administration, promoting a culture of rigor and accountability in the management of the State’s financial resources. ” ENDS

