2017 Coffee Festival promotes organic coffee from Timor

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Timor-Leste Coffee Association (ACTL) held the 2017 Timor Coffee Festival, which took place between 21 and 28 October in Maubisse, in the municipality of Ainaro. One of the main objectives of the event was the promotion of Timor-Leste’s organic coffee for international marketing, which was attended by experts from several foreign countries, such as Australia, the United States of America, New Zealand and Singapore.

The Minister of State and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, on the last day of the festival, highlighted the FestivalCafe2017 1 PG 300x200 2017 Coffee Festival promotes organic coffee from Timorquality of the national coffee, which is internationally recognized, reminding that “organic coffee from Timor-Leste is unique due to our famous hybrid which gives resistance and quality to the coffee. ” Estanislau da Silva announced that more than 500 hectares of coffee plantations in the country are being rehabilitated to increase coffee production and thus respond to the high international demand.

The 2017 Coffee Festival counted with the participation of producers from the municipalities of Aileu, Ainaro, Ermera, Liquiçá and Same.

The winner of the 2017 highest coffee quality competition was Ermera’s Eratoi 1 group.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=18997