Government launches “Increasing the productivity of sustainable agriculture” Project

The Minister of State and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva and the representative of the World Bank, Macmilian Anyanwu, presented the new “Increasing the productivity of sustainable agriculture” project on September 20th, 2017, in Raumoco, Lautém Municipality.

The project will run up to 2022 to improve the productivity of small scale farmers and support the commercialization of their products through a development plan that is to be implemented in the area of the Raumoco stream in Lautém, the Belulik stream between Ainaro and Covalima, the Loes stream between Liquiçá, Ermera and Bobonaro and in the Tono catchment area in Oe-Cusse Ambeno.

The US$ 21 million project is funded by the Food Security and Global Agriculture Program (GAFSP) and will be implemented in partnership with the World Bank, civil society organizations and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
