Government analyzes the Program

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government


Press Release

Government analyses Program

The Seventh Constitutional Government met this Tuesday, September 26, at the Lahane Noble Palace in Dili, to analyse Ministerial proposals for the Government Program, which shall be presented to the National Parliament in the first fortnight of October.

The Program, guided by the Strategic Development Plan and the coalition parties’ commitments, will update and reinforce on-going measures and projects. It will also reflect the Government’s intention to strengthen existing services, to provide more effectiveness and efficiency to the system.

The Prime Minister instructed the Government members to plan and design the policies and measures with special attention to the interconnection and strengthening of the Public Works and Major Infrastructure sectors; of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment; and Youth and Labour.

A technical team, composed of members from all ministries, and coordinated by the Minister in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, will ensure the articulation of all the projects and policies of the Program, and prepare an explanatory note of the Government’s proposal, to facilitate the assessment by the Parliament members, as well as any suggestions that may be submitted.

The Government also decided to propose the renewal, for two more years, of the current leadership of the FALINTIL – Defence Forces of Timor-Leste (in Portuguese FFDTL). ENDS
