Prime Minister of the Seventh Constitutional Government commences duties

At the commencement of his duties, the Prime Minister of the Seventh Constitutional Government, Marí Alkatiri, met with his predecessor, the Prime Minister of the Sixth Government, Rui Maria de Araújo, on September 18th, 2017, at the Lahane Noble Palace in Díli, for the official portfolio handover.

Accompanied by his entire team, including directors, coordinators and collaborators, Rui Maria de Araújo provided an update of the work to date and handed over the Government Portrait and the Report of the Governance Process of the Sixth Government, to the current Prime Minister, Marí Alkatiri.1.oDia EncontroPMVIGC 3 PG 300x207 Prime Minister of the Seventh Constitutional Government commences duties

“When we build a State, it must have continuity. The Government can change, but the State maintains its continuity”, said Prime Minister Marí Alkatiri, assuring that “the new Government does not intend to substitute people, the new Government wants to improve policy, planning, the program and the system.”

The video on this meeting is available here.
