Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 29th August 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 29th August 2017

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday at the Government Palace in Díli and clarified with the members of the Government issues raised regarding the exercise of management powers by a caretaker Government. By way of a circular letter, it was explained that management powers “must be exercised in a proportional, appropriate and necessary manner as acts of day-to-day management, for the proper functioning of the institutions”. It further clarified that “after the election date and up to the inauguration of the new Government, the members of the Sixth Constitutional Government should restrict themselves to the practice of political and legislative initiatives characterised as urgent or emergency”, to solve unexpected, unforeseen or unavoidable matters that are critical or threatening.

Following a proposal by the Minister of Social Solidarity, the Council of Ministers approved the extension of the final deadline for registration in the first phase of the social security contributory scheme to the 31st October this year. It also authorized carrying out all administrative and operational procedures to ensure that all public and private entities comply, within the same period, with the submission of statements of remuneration and social contribution payments.

The Council of Ministers analysed a proposal from the President of the Authority for the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) regarding the appointment of two Deputy Regional Secretaries. This proposal was presented taking into account the need to reorganize existing human resources in the Region and strengthen the organizational structure to meet the new challenges of the second phase of development and investment, which is now beginning. ENDS
