Council of Ministers meeting on July 11th, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Council of Ministers meeting of July 11th, 2017

The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Dili, and the Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers saw a Government Resolution approved on the appointment of Rosário da Graça Maia for Chairman of the Board of Directors of TATOLI – Timor-Leste News Agency, PI, for the next four years.

The interim Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture made a presentation titled Developing Brand Tourism Timor-Leste. With the support of the NGO, the Asia Foundation,  branding components to promote Timor-Leste as an attractive and unique tourist destination have been created for the international market. These components were approved by the Council of Minsiters.

The Secretary of State for Youth and Sports saw two Government Resolutions approved: one on the Youth Parliament (in Tetum, Parlamento Foinsa’e Nian) and another on the National Policy for the Development of Sports. After eight years of operation, the Youth Parliament has established itself as a successful instrument. During these years, changes have been made that were not contemplated in the original programme, namely the increase in the number of parliamentarians, in order to ensure the participation of two representatives of young people with disabilities, the extension to a maximum of three years of the “term in office” of the young parliamentarians, to ensure and maximize the effects of the programme, and the strengthening of activities within the framework of leadership and entrepreneurship.

,The Government decided to adopt a National Policy for the Development of Sports, a priority identified in the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030. This decision comes in the wake of several initiatives that have contributed to the strengthening of the entities that make up the sports movement, in particular the Olympic, Paralympic and Special Olympic Committees, the Sports Confederation and the federations, associations and clubs active in the country.

Finally, the Council of Ministers approved the draft National Parliament Resolution approving the Agreement on Technical Cooperation and Cooperation Programme of Volunteers from Japan to Overseas between Timor-Leste and Japan. Presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, this agreement aims to strengthen the bonds of friendship and enhance cooperation between the two countries.

July 11th, 2017
