Launch of scholarships guide and reports of the HCDF

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, took part in the launch of the “Guide to Scholarships and Training” and several reports on the activity of the Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF), at the Dili Convention Centre, on May 18th, 2017.

On behalf of the Government he congratulated the President of the Board of Directors and the Executive Secretary of the HCDF, noting that the reports demonstrated significant progress made over the last six years because of their work. The Prime Minister said that the HCDF is a vital part of the Strategic Development Plan, which defined the development of human capital as a key priority to achieve economic progress, promote well-being and reduce poverty.

The Head of Government called upon all, and in particular civil society and academia, to read the reports, which present data, and to provide recommendations on how to use this information to continue improving the human resources development policy. “I have some important questions that I would like to put as part of this appeal, in order to make a critical reading of these analyses: what areas of training were covered? – What training? – And where were they performed?”, Prime Minister asked. 6W9A1112 300x170 Launch of  scholarships guide and reports of the HCDF

The results of the reports will help to influence Timor-Leste’s human resources development policy. The Prime Minister pointed out that the creation of the HCDF had resulted in greater coordination among state institutions in the area of human resources training, with great progress achieved over the last six years.

“The data shows that approximately 4,000 people received this benefit from the State and followed training in the last six years. But the next question is: are these people now working with the skills that they were trained in? Or in other words, are we working with the principle of ‘the right person in the right place’? If not yet, what do we need to improve to reach it?” the Prime Minister asked.

The development of Timor-Leste’s human capital will continue. According to the Prime Minister, we need to have a good relationship between the development and use of human resources, and some political elements should reflect the data contained in the reports.

6W9A1147 300x179 Launch of  scholarships guide and reports of the HCDFThe Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, also attended this event and supported the Prime Minister’s appeal to civil society and academia to read these reports and provide their opinions to Government. He asked universities to ensure the quality of graduates in their faculties, because proper standards must be met.

The documents released were: the Report of the Human Capital Development Fund from 2011-2015; the Report of the Mapping and Analysis of Data on Human Resources in the Public Sector in Timor-Leste in 2016; the Report of the Assessment of HCDF’s Programmes Results for the period 2011-14; the Guide to Scholarships and Training; the Annual Report of the HCDF in 2016; the Working Rules and Guidelines of the HCDF; and the Human Resources Manual for employees of the HCDF.
