Government explains the Contributory Framework Law before its entry into force

The Social Welfare Contributory Framework Law enters into force on August 1st, for the public sector and parts of the private sector. Until June 23rd, the Ministry of Social Solidarity is carrying out activities throughout the country, to explain to sovereign bodies, public services (direct and indirect State administered, autonomous services and funds, and public companies) and the private sector, about the issues involved in the implementation of this law.

Teams of the National Directorate of the Social Welfare Contributory Framework are travelling to all municipalities and the Special Administrative Region of Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), where they also expect to contact local business people. These special teams will also meet with  non-governmental organizations as requested. SocializacaoRegimeContributivo junho2017 2 PG 300x225 Government explains the  Contributory Framework Law before its entry into force

By the end of August, public employers and all private companies with 100 or more employees have to join the Contributory Scheme. In private companies with 100 or more employees, all those who have a remunerated, fixed term or life contract, professional activity under the Labour Law must register. In the public sector, all that carry out remunerated activities for the State (public officials, agents, senior political appointee, term contracted, advisers who can prove not to be under other similar arrangements, etc.), should register.

Although it is not compulsory, sole traders, self-employed workers, managers and administrators of companies and domestic workers can join voluntarily.

The beneficiaries of the Social Welfare Contributory Framework pay now so that, at the appropriate moment, they may have a retirement pension, disability pension, maternity and paternity subsidy, and access to the family death grant.
