Timor-Leste commemorates World No Tobacco Day

The Government of Timor-Leste, through the Ministry of Health, joined with the World Health Organization to commemorate World No Tobacco Day, on the 31st May 2017, at the “Palácio das Cinzas”, in Díli.

In his speech, the Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, noted that Timor-Leste is a country with high prevalence of tobacco consumption and that the impacts are greater that that of AIDS. The Head of Government also stated that, although the Decree-Law on Tobacco Control is clear and allows for action on this issue, there is a need to involve other Government Institutions to inform and apply the measures to all citizens, so that they are complied with.

The Vice-Minister of Health, Ana Isabel Soares, reinforced the Prime Minister’s statement and promised that a meeting would be held with the National Commission for Tobacco Control so that, together with the Ministry of Health and the National Police, they could monitor the direct implementation of the law.

The representative for the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Rajesh Pandav, asked the Government to take rigorous measures to control tobacco and create smoke-free zones, especially in public areas.

DSC1907 300x199 Timor Leste commemorates World No Tobacco DayAccording to  Pandav, seven million people die annually due to tobacco, which costs the global economy around one trillion American dollars on healthcare.

Also present at the ceremony were the President of Commission-F from the National Parliament, Virgílio Hornai, development partners, businessmen, national directors from relevant institutions, staff and media representatives.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=18181