Side Event on Health highlights progress and discusses next steps

On the 21st of May in excess of 200 people packed a meeting room at the Dili Convention Centre for a Side Event on Health in the Era of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.  A keynote address by the Prime Minister, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, discussed the progress made in the “Programa Saúde na Familia” and was followed by a presentation by Mr. David Montalvão, the ICT Unit Coordinator from the Office of the Prime Minister.

Mr. Montalvão described the progress made in digitalizing 82% of information currently collected as a part of the Health in the Family Program and the connectivity that the Government is putting into place that will see health posts and hospitals connected to a system and to each other. He said technology could make a major contribution to primary health care in Timor-Leste.

Dr. Nélson Martins, former Minister of Health and lecturer from the National University of Lorosa’e, moderated a session that considered the role of eHealth in Timor-Leste. Along with the Prime Minister other panelists were Dr. Rajesh Pandav, the World Health Organization Representative to Timor-Leste, Ms. Che Katz, Country Director of Health Alliance International and Angela Robinson, representing the Australian Ambassador.

IMG 2487 300x200 Side Event on Health highlights progress and discusses next stepsDr. Pandav detailed some of the ways in which technology could deliver improvements in health care delivery, including e-learning for health training and the use of mobile phones to send health messages and reminders to patients. he pointed out that a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework was needed to ensure privacy and security of information.

Ms. Katz described the success of the Ligainan program which uses mobile phones to connect expectant mothers with health providers to improve the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy, birth and post natal period. Ligainan, which in english translates to “connecting mothers” is the first m-health initiative in Timor-Leste. Ms. Katz said that the program would have national coverage by the end of 2018.

Angela Robinson from the Australian embassy talked about some of the challenges of e-health including limited funding, capacity of human capital and lack of infrastructure.

IMG 2492 225x225 Side Event on Health highlights progress and discusses next stepsAt the end of the panel Minister of State, Coordinator of Social Affairs and Minister of Education, H.E. António da Conceição  launched a book on the Saúde na Familia which contains stories from across Timor-Leste showing the impact of the program at the personal level. Along with many pictures the book contains quotes from patients, families and the visiting doctors, nurses and midwives. A video about the program was also launched.

A number of the health personnel from the program were present at the event.

Outside the conference room there were exhibits about the extremely successful National Malaria Program and the immunization and vaccination programs.
