Implementation of Public Administration Reform needs participation of civil society

The Public Administration’s Reform Commission, together with a representative of the Presidency of the Republic and representatives of civil society, made an assessment of its activity over the past 14 months. The assessment points the way to more effective coordination and stresses the need for the participation of civil society in the implementation of the reform underway. The meeting was held on May 15th, in Dili.

The Commission was established after the approval of the Council of Ministers on February 16th, 2016. Its mission is to develop a public policy to improve the workings of the different bodies, services and entities of the Public Administration, and to promote the training, strengthening and enhancement of human resources in the Civil Service.

Since its creation, priority goals were identified and the most important legislation in each one of the pillars was analysed: institutional strengthening, training of public servants, public servants under the tutelage of the National Institute of Public Administration (in Portuguese: INAP) and raising the quality of the Civil Service Commission.

2 Encontro 300x200 Implementation of Public Administration Reform needs participation of civil societyTo assist its analysis of the defined goals, the Commission held working meetings and maintained an ongoing dialog with the General Inspectorate of the State, INAP and the State Secretariat for Institutional Strengthening.

The creation of the Commission came following the approval of the Public Administration’s Reform Guide, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting on February 9th, 2015.

The next meeting is scheduled to take place in six months.
