Government holds 3rd National Congress on Education

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Dili, May 15th, 2017

Government holds 3rd National Congress on Education

The Government, through the Ministry of Education, is holding the 3rd National Congress on Education between the 15th and 17th of May. The Congress brings together representatives of the Ministry of Education and a broad range of stakeholders to consolidate consensus around six key areas that will shape policy in the medium-term. All seek to achieve the vision of the Strategic Development Plan, which says that “all Timorese children should attend school and receive a quality education that gives them the knowledge and skills to lead healthy, productive lives and to actively contribute to our nation’s development.”

Prime Minister, H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo, opened the conference noting that “It is always a matter of contentment that we are faced with a ‘full house’, especially when this house is filled to discuss concepts, ideas, and points of view on a sector that is a national priority and of common interest. Without a doubt’, he said ‘the pillar of the consolidation of the identity and development of the nation is Education – which is the theme of this 3rd National Congress.”

The Congress documentation outlines the considerable progress made in Timor-Leste between 2001 and 2016 including a 64% increase in the number of children enrolled in Pre-primary, Basic and Secondary Education, a more than doubling of the number of teachers and the building of 772 schools. In recent years the development and implementation of the National Basic Curriculum of Pre-School Education and National Basic Curriculum of 1st and 2nd cycles of Basic Education stand out as highlights along with the expansion of Secondary Vocational Training.

The six key areas covered by the Congress will include the National Curriculum of Teaching, Teacher Management and Training, School Administration and Inspection, Infrastructure and Resources, Management of Public and Private Higher Education, and the Participation of Parents, Community, the Private sector and other Partners.

A major outcome of the Congress will be a Declaration expected to serve as a reference for the development of the educational program law and for the design of specific goals and priorities to be included in the second phase of the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan, the Strategic Education Plan and the Program of the VII Constitutional Government.

 Spokesperson, Minister of State Agio Pereira, noted “it is clear that Timor-Leste has made remarkable progress in building an education system since the restoration of independence. It is also true that many challenges remain. Thankfully there is a shared determination amongst all stakeholders that we must work together to accelerate our progress and so this Congress provides an opportunity to build consensus around our pathway forward. The Government congratulates the Ministry of Education and expresses its sustained commitment to inclusive and quality education for all.” ENDS
