Global Conference on the 2030 Agenda

Date: May 21st to 23rd
Place: Dili Convention Center (DCC)

The Timorese Government organizes the Global Conference on Agenda 2030, with the theme “A Roadmap for the Sustainable Development Goals in fragile and conflict affected countries”. It is organized in partnership with the international members of the informal High-Level Support Group for the Sustainable Development Goals and the g7+ Secretariat. The Conference brings together senior officials policy makers from governments, development partners and civil society organizations. The conference will provide a platform to discuss challenges, share lessons and best practices on the implementation of Agenda 2030 in fragile countries and conflict- affected states.

On the first day, a high-level meeting for policy makers will be held, where the broad issues of 2030Agenda in fragile and conflict-affected states will be deliberated. In the end, a conference declaration will be approved outlining key resolutions and the participant’s commitment.

The second day will consist of technical deliberations on the best approach towards the strengthening of a mechanism of cooperation between fragile and conflict-affected states towards Sustainable Development Goals implementation. This approach will be based on global experience of fragile states and South-South Cooperation (process of political articulation and economic, scientific, technological, cultural and other areas exchange, between developing countries).

The partners of this conference are the g7+, the Gvernments of Sweden and New Zealand, the Islamic Development Bank, the UN and UNDP, the United States Embassy in Timor-Leste and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timor-Leste.

Two Conference Side Events are scheduled:
1. Conference and associated Expo in “Economic diversification”
Date: May 21st
Place: CCD
Time: 9h30 – 17h00

2. Conference on “Health in the Era of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, ‘Programa Saúde na Família’
Date: May 23rd
Place: DCC
Time: 10h40 – 13h30

A website has been set up for information and registration at