15th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence

Date: May 18th to 22nd

In addition to the celebrations of the Restoration of Independence, this period will also include the inauguration ceremony of the fourth President of the Republic, since Restoration of Independence, Francisco Guterres “Lu-Olo”, and the Global Conference on the Agenda 2030, with the theme “A roadmap for the Sustainable Development Goals in Fragile and Conflict-affected States”.

May 18th
Place: Cathedral of Dili
Time: 9h00
Thanksgiving Mass

May 19th
Place: Tasi-Tolu
19h00 – “Cocktail”
22h30 – Inauguration Ceremony of the fourth President of the Republic
• Opening of the Plenary Session of the National Parliament, by the Presidentof National Parliament;
• Reading of the Court of Appeal’s Ruling, by the Secretary of the National Parliament’s Bureau;
• Reading of the oath of office, by the President Elect;
• National Anthem;
• Signing of the Act of Possession and Statement of Commitment;
• Reading of the Act of Possession, by the Secretary of the Bureau;
• Formal greeting of the new President of the Republic, by the President of the National Parliament, and compliments by the Members of Parliament;
• Closing of the Plenary Session, by the President of the National Parliament;
• National Anthem

May 20th
Place: Tasi-Tolu
00h30 – Raising of the National Flag
– Speech of the new President of the Republic

16h00 – Lowering of the National Flag

17h00 – Inauguration of the Monument President Francisco Xavier do Amaral
Place: CCD

May 22nd
Global Conference on Agenda 2030, with the theme “A roadmap for the Sustainable Development Goals in fragile and conflict affected countries”
Place: Dili Convention Centre
url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=17832