Government supports victims of bad weather in Metinaro

The Ministry of Social Solidarity provided direct and immediate support to 150 families, victims of floods in the Administrative Post of Metinaro, especially from Manleu Hamlet, in the Village of Duyung.

On the evening of March 30th, the bad weather destroyed several houses, and the next day, March 31st, the Minister of Social Solidarity, Isabel Amaral Guterres, and the Vice Minister, Miguel Marques Gonçalves Manetelu, visited the site accompanied by the natural disasters aid team, which included the local authorities of the referred area. They distributed emergency support to the families, particularly rice, palm oil (Bimoli), cans of sardines, soap, toothpaste and mosquito nets, among others.ApioVitimasMauTempoMetinaro 2 PG 300x200 Government supports victims of bad weather in Metinaro

The Vice Minister Manetelu recalled that, when natural disasters occur, the Ministry of Social Solidarity always provides support to the communities through the National Directorate of Disaster Management. After that the social work continues to be provided jointly by the Dili Municipality and the National Directorate, which verify and identify the damage caused by each event.

He also stressed the importance to have a good inter-ministerial coordination, so that the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications may know how to minimize the problems caused by the streams, which during the rainy season carry too much water and cause damages to the houses of the community.
