Prime Minister visits Health Centre of Metinaro

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, paid a visit to Metinaro’s Health Centre, in Cristo Rei, Dili, on February 17th, 2017. The purpose of this visit was to identify existing problems, namely the lack of a laboratory room, a maternity and a dentist room, among others. The Chief of the Executive noted the use of a digital medical registration process system, in addition to the implementation of the health programmes, in order to better develop them.

Rui Maria de Araújo recalled that the Health in the Family Program is not new. There are already mobile clinics and the SISCA (Portuguese acronym for “Integrated Service of Community Health”). This programme has only enhanced a lot and created uniformity in the services provided.

“Through the Health in the Family Program, all families have the privilege of being visited by doctors in their own homes, once a year. When the doctors were not visiting them, they had to go to the Health Centre to receive doctors’ care and access to health equipment”, recalled the Prime Minister.

According to 2015’s data, this Health Centre serves 5,490 inhabitants. Of these, 5,108, or 93.04% of the population, have already been visited.

The President of the Municipal Authority and the staff of Metinaro’s Health Centre were present.
