Assistance to 15 families from Comoro affected by natural disasters

The Ministry of Social Solidarity, through the Social Solidarity Centre, provided emergency assistance and construction materials to 15 families in the village of Comoro, Administrative Post of Dom Aleixo, municipality of Dili, who had their homes damaged by the strong winds from last week, in a symbolic ceremony held on February 14th. The Vice Minister of Social Solidarity, Miguel Marques Gonçalves “Manetelu”, presided over the ceremony, which was also attended by the Dom Aleixo Post Administrator, Village Chiefs, Hamlet Chiefs and staff from the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

The Ministry handed materials such as zinc, cement, iron, nails and metal wire, and food items such as instant noodles, rice and others. Each family will receive a financial contribution of US$368. Of these, US$150 are to pay for labour and the rest are to buy wood. This help is already underway. The victims received the equipment according to the damage, after evaluation by the team from the Ministry and local authorities.
