Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 12 August 2009




Meeting of the Council of Ministers on August 12th.,2009


The Council of Ministers held a meeting on this Wednesday in its Room, in the Government House, in Dili, and approved:


1. The Decree-Law which approves Remuneration Regime for the members of Public Service Commission.

The Members of the Council of Ministers have approved today a Decree-Law which regulates the monthly payment and subsidy for the members of Public Service Commission. Thus, the members of the Commission will be entitled to a monthly payment, if they are appointed under regime of an exclusive dedication, or to subsidy for session of work if appointed under regime of partial dedication.


2. The resolution which approves the personnel who will be integrated in the Public Service Commission

Libório Pereira is assigned to become the president of the Commission, Abel Ximenes and Olandina Caeiro as its members. These are the names that have been approved by the Council of the Ministers to be integrated in the Public Service Commission.


The Council of Minister has analyzed:

1. Proposal on the National Priorities

The Ministry of Finance has proposed, during this Meeting, the implementation of the National Priorities related to the Second Trimester. It is obviously the continuity of the progress, even though there are purposes to be achieved and they will be accomplished until the end of this year. In this perspective, some of the Priorities are well developed than others. Having in mind the National Priorities, namely: Alimentary security and Agriculture, Rural Development, Human Resources Development, social protection and social services, public security, clean and efficient government and access to justice, the next activities initiate with the identification of the two main goals and objectives in the framework of the National Priorities of 2010. It needs to take into consideration the budget and co-financing of donators, the activity to be developed in order to avoid the weaknesses and/or instability of the programs and to establish a starting point for the multiannual accomplishment of the Strategic Development Plan.


2. The resolution which approves the Preparatory Commission for the Municipalities

In its meeting today, the Council of the Ministers has discussed the possibility of establishing a National Preparatory Commission (NPC) and a District Preparatory Commission (DPC). The NPC and DPC will assist the Government, and particularly the Ministry of State Administration and Territorial Management (MSATM/MAEOT) for the establishment of the new Municipalities. The role of coordination for the implementation of the process of decentralization is under the responsibilities of the MSATM/MAEOT and it was in this point of view that this Ministry has discussed with other Government members, the possible responsibilities of each one of these Commissions to be approved later.
