Prime Minister discusses the role of Higher Education in the knowledge society

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, gave a speech on the theme “The role of Higher Education in a knowledge-based society”, integrated in the 8th Graduation Ceremony of the Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), on December 19th, 2016, at the university centre of that private institution, in Ai-Meti Laran, in Dili.

A total of 324 finalists from Colleges of Engineering and Science, Petroleum Studies, Trade and Management as well as Tourism and Hospitality graduated.

The Prime Minister pointed out that countries socio-economic development is being affected by rapid globalization, political and economic liberalization, as well as the information age that characterized the last two centuries, 20th and 21st. It is expected that the information age will lead countries to a “knowledge-based society”, with consequences to the new economic order, i.e. where an economy based on knowledge will predominate. Knowledge and new ideas are the key to the prosperity and wealth of countries.15542273 1853580384879805 3038693441305319304 n 300x163 Prime Minister discusses the role of Higher Education in the knowledge society

“Timor-Leste has already defined four pillars to promote the creation of a knowledge-based society, as well as political environment and social cohesion. But the educational process, the investment in Education, especially in higher education, and the functioning of ICT (information and communication technologies) are still not enough for Timor-Leste to achieve the goal of getting to that society, much less to achieve a knowledge-based economy”, remarked the Head of Government.

The Head of the Executive begun his speech, stating: “It is with great pleasure that I see more than 300 students receiving their diplomas in important areas such as Engineering and Management and in crucial sectors such as Petroleum Studies, Human Resources, Trade and Tourism.” The Prime Minister continued addressing the students: “You deserve the admiration and applause of our country, because, with courage, you accepted the challenge to contribute to the development of a knowledge-based society”. The Head of Government also thanked the families for their support of the students and congratulated the founders, members of the steering committee, the faculty and staff of the DIT.

The Prime Minister concluded wishing great success to the graduate students, reminding them that, when entering professional life, they must maintain self-learning competences and knowledge management, searching reliable information and analysing it for the subsequent dissemination and application in a professional context.

The Head of the Executive, accompanied by the Rector and faculty of DIT, handed the certificates to students in the honour lists, noting that almost all were women.
