Timor-Leste Celebrates World Food Day

The Government, through the Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Fisheries and Education, as well as the National Council for Sovereignty, Food Security and Nutrition in Timor-Leste (in Portuguese: CONSSANTIL), celebrated the World Food Day. The celebration was on the theme of “The climate is changing, food and agriculture must also change to improve nutrition in Timor-Leste”. The ceremony took place in Baucau’s Conventions Centre, between October 10th and 14th, 2016.

The objective of this international commemoration is to draw the attention of communities around the world to the problem of food at regional, national and global levels.

The Vice Minister of Health, Ana Isabel Soares, explained that, at the beginning of 2015, Timor-Leste had not yet reached some of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), one of which was on nutrition. Still in 2015, the United Nations Member States decided to change the MDGs to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in order to revise the goals that had not yet been achieved.

Ana Isabel Soares took the opportunity to thank the efforts of the President of the Republic to support the Government towards achieving the SDGs adopted in the meantime. unnamed 11 300x200 Timor Leste Celebrates World Food Day

The Vice Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Marcos da Cruz, highlighted the need to consolidate efforts, involving all components of society, to improve the Food situation of the country, “because Food is a fundamental human right.”

The ceremony was attended by representatives of groups that work in agricultural production in the Municipality of Baucau, showcasing their products in 20 tents. The first day of commemoration ended with a painting competition between students from more than 10 schools of the Administrative Post of Baucau Vila.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=16540