Council of Ministers’ meeting of August 9th, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, August 9th, 2016

Press Release

Council of Ministers’ meeting of August 9th, 2016

The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved the Draft Mining Code. This code regulates mining activities, which are of great importance for the country, due to the potential impact that the supply of these essential materials will have on economic growth. These activities are: the reconnaissance, research, evaluation, development, exploration, processing, refining and marketing of minerals. The code, which will be sent to the National Parliament for consideration and approval, establishes a legal regime to regulate the issuance of permits for mining activities in the country, including administrative procedures for granting licenses and authorizations. It defines the concession areas, rights, obligations and rules of inspection and supervision, sanctions and penalties, the specific rules for environmental protection and payment of fees. The objective of this legislation is to promote and facilitate the discovery and exploration of mineral resources in Timor-Leste, in accordance with environmentally sustainable standards. It also aims to recognize and promote the economic and social benefits to the country, which may result from the efficient exploration of these resources, and ensure appropriate revenues to the State, resulting from this exploration.

The Minister of State Coordinator of Economic Affairs, together with the Commission for Fiscal Reform and TradeInvest, explained to the Council of Ministers the monitoring plan for Investment Certificates, for which TradeInvest is responsible.

The Council of Ministers approved the payment of the projects implemented under the Planning of Integrated Municipal Development Programme, presented by the Vice Minister of State Administration.

Regarding the organization of the Tour de Timor and the Dili Marathon, the Council of Ministers decided to appoint the relevant ministries and secretariats of State to provide support to the Organizing Committee of the two sporting events, which will take place in September and October. The Tour de Timor and the Dili Marathon aim to develop sport at the national level and promote Timor-Leste internationally as an attractive tourist destination.

The Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment and Chief Negotiator of the Team for the Final Delimitation of the Maritime Boundaries, accompanied by the Executive Director of the Maritime Boundary Office, made a progress report on the ongoing activities within the framework of the definition of Timor-Leste’s maritime boundaries, highlighting the public hearing of the Conciliation Commission, which will take place on August 29th, in The Hague, and the results of the first procedural meeting, on July 28thENDS
