Minister Xanana Gusmão speaks at Side Event hosted by Kenya and Sierra Leone

Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment and g7+ Eminent Person, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, has represented Timor-Leste at a Side Event at the United Nations on “Peer-Learning among Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries on Sustaining Peace and Sustainable Development.”

The event was co-hosted by Sierra Leone, the current Chair of the g7+, and Kenya, the current Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission. The objective of the meeting was to provide a forum where high-level country representatives could “discuss shared and unique challenges, lessons learned and milestones achieved on the path towards attaining peace and development.”

Minister Xanana Gusmão began his introductory remarks reflecting on his trip, only days before, to Bangui, in the troubled Central African Republic.

 “I saw one thing in common among the people and government’, he said, ‘that was resilience, courage and hope. Being ready and committed to close the chapter of the bitter past, hoping to live in peace and harmony.”

The Minister announced that the Government of Timor-Leste recently approved a donation of USD 1.5 million to the Government of CAR to assist the resettlement of 2,400 IDPs currently camped in Mpoko International Airport in Bangui. g7+ General Secretary 300x200 Minister Xanana Gusmão  speaks at Side Event hosted by Kenya and Sierra Leone

Minister Xanana Gusmão spoke of the journey of Timor-Leste, explaining that the country “having emerged from a prolonged conflict opted for dialogue, tolerance and reconciliation” and yet the 2006 crisis was a “wake up call” which ultimately had strengthened the national resolve to say “Goodbye Conflict and Welcome Development.”

This event included the official launch of the g7+ Foundation. The g7+ says that this foundation  “is established to support the group’s collective pursuit of peace and development by researching and documenting practical measures that have been proven to work to reverse fragility.”
