Government’s Budget Review Committee concludes consultations

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Dili, September 13th, 2016

Government’s Budget Review Committee concludes consultations

On the 5th of September the Government’s Budget Review Committee concluded its consultations with all Ministries, Secretariats, Institutions and Agencies, which have been undertaken over recent weeks as a part of the rigorous 2017 Budget process.

The Budget Review Committee was chaired by the Prime Minister, H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, with the Minister of Finance, H.E. Santina Cardoso as Vice Chair and included the Minister of State, Coordinator of Social Affairs and Minister of Education, the Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment, and the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications.

Each Ministry, Secretariat, Institution and Agency was required to come before the committee to preset their specific plans, projects and budgeting for 2017 and answer inquiries made by committee members. The process was supported by the Planning and Monitoring Unit created under the Office of the Prime Minister which works together with the Ministry of Finance to support line ministries throughout the budget preparation process, helping every Government institution define their priority programs, and carrying out quarterly monitoring of program expenditures.

 The Budget Review Committee and the work of the Planning and Monitoring Unit are reflective of the commitment of the Sixth Constitutional Government to ensuring that the Annual State Budget is prepared in a way that better serves the people through public service delivery that is more efficient, effective and accountable.

The results of these rigorous consultations will feed into the ongoing preparations for the 2017 General State Budget which is due to be introduced to National Parliament for consideration in October.

 Government Spokesperson, Minister of State Agio Pereira noted “the many hours invested in this process of consultations by the Prime Minister and members of the committee reflect the determination of the Government to carefully manage the budgeting of public funds and ensure the quality of the 2017 General State Budget through good planning and thorough scrutiny. The Government aims to make the 2017 Budget as effective as possible in achieving the development of our nation and proper service of our people.”ENDS
