Government making final preparations for Tour de Timor and Dili Marathon

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Dili, September 9th, 2016

Government making final preparations for Tour de Timor and Dili Marathon

The Government has been preparing for two major sporting events set to occur in the coming weeks; the Tour de Timor, a multi stage mountain bike race taking place between the 13th and 17th of September and the Dili Marathon scheduled to be run on the 9th of October. Both events promote the participation of national athletes and attract visitors from around the world, many of whom go on to promote Timor-Leste as a tourist destination on their return home.

The Organizing Committee for the events, led by Secretary of State for Youth and Sports, H.E. Leovigildo Hornay met with H.E Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo this week to update the Prime Minister on the preparations undertaken to enhance the safety and satisfaction of all participants. A survey team including representatives from the Timor-Leste National Police, the Secretariat of Youth and Sports, the Secretariat for Employment Policy and Vocational Training, and the Darwin-based National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre travelled the course in July to make sure the course was properly marked and that local communities were informed. The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture has also been involved in planning to ensure facilities are in place so that participants enjoy comfortable overnight stays along the route.

The tour covers some of the most spectacular terrain in Timor-Leste and over its five stages will take the riders from Dili to Manatuto, Manatuto to Quelicai, Quelicai to Iliomar, Iliomar ot Lospalos, and finally Lospalos to Baucau. Prize money is considerable with a total pool of over $58,000. In addition the first and final stages of the Tour de Timor are registered as race stages by international cycling body, the UCI, allowing elite riders to accumulate points towards their international ranking.

Next month’s Dili Marathon on the 9th of October will feature a full marathon [42 kilometres], a half marathon [21 kilometres] and a fun run [7 kilometres], catering for elite runners right through to families and amateur teams. Like the Tour de Timor, the Dili Marathon attracts talented national and international athletes and includes a large pool of prize money. Both events, founded by former President H.E. Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta, have become iconic sporting events for the nation.

On behalf of the Government, Minister of State Agio Pereira congratulated all involved in the preparations and the sponsors noting that these special events “provide opportunities for an economic boost throughout the districts, encourage tourism, build positive international perception and strengthen peace, harmony and national pride.”ENDS
