Commemoration of the 41st Anniversary of FALINTIL

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Dili, August 18th, 2016

Commemoration of the 41st Anniversary of FALINTIL

The 20th of August will mark the 41st Anniversary of the formation of FALINTIL, the Armed Forces for the National Liberation of Timor-Leste.

The Government expresses its deep respect and gratitude to FALINTIL and honors all National Liberation Combatants whose courage and sacrifice during our 24 years of struggle lead to a free and independent Timor-Leste.

Prime Minister, H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo declared “Their dream of liberation and their determination to make this dream become a reality, will be remembered from generation to generation.”

A series of events lead up to the official commemoration of FALINTIL Day to be held at the Headquarters of the F-FDTL on Saturday.

On the 18th of August a seminar on the Place of FALINTIL in the History of Timor-Leste, to be conducted in the Auditorium of the F-FDTL Headquarters, will feature contributions by Dr. Mari Alkatiri, Dr. José Ramos-Horta and Dr. Francisco Guterres [Lu-Olo], with Professor Dr. Aurélio Guterres moderating.

On Friday the 19th of August a special Mass will be held at the Dili Cathedral by the Bishop of the Diocese of Dili, Don Virgilio do Carmo. In the evening a Wreath Laying Ceremony is to be conducted at the Heroes Cemetery in Metinaro.

The central ceremony on Saturday the 20th of August takes place at the F-FDTL Headquarters in Fatuhada. Visiting guests include the Prime Minister of Cambodia H.E. Hun Sen and his delegation, along with Military personnel, veterans and diplomats from around the world. The official program involves the Flag Raising Ceremony, Military Promotions and awards, a speech by the President of the Parliament, H.E. Dr. Aderito Hugo da Costa, and a Military Parade. An Official Lunch will then be held at the F-FDTL Headquarters.

After the Lowering of the Flag ceremony in Fatuhada an Official Dinner will be held for guests at the Dili Convention Centre hosted by the General Chief of Staff of the Defense Force, Major General Lere Anan Timur.

Spokesperson for the Sixth Constitutional Government, Minister of State Agio Pereira noted “the freedom, peace and stability we enjoy today has been built on the sacrifice of those who have gone before us. In these next days we remember FALINTIL and all those who served within her ranks with a deep sense of appreciation for their sacrifice and courage. They inspire us to continue building a Nation worthy of their efforts. In these coming days and everyday, from the mountaintops to the beaches, from the smallest village to the biggest city, men and women, boys and girls, young and old, we honor them. Viva FALINTIL.”ENDS
