The Royal Darwin Hospital supports Tour de Timor 2016

The Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, Leovigildo Hornai, held a meeting, on June 13th 2016, in Díli, with Ms. Abigail Trewin and Ms. Michelle Foster, representatives of the Royal Darwin Hospital, Australia, in support of the Tour de Timor cycling event.

The Secretary of State thanked the Hospital for their support to this year’s event: “It establishes a closer relationship between the medical teams involved in this event. This collaboration is an opportunity for Timorese teams to learn from the experience of the Royal Darwin Hospital team”. These Timorese teams come from the Ministry of Health and the Timor-Leste Red Cross.

On their part, the Australian representatives were very proud to be involved and to support this year’s event. The Royal Darwin Hospital team will consist of 25 people, including doctors, physical therapists, and others.

“We also plan to support the Díli International Marathon, which will be held on October 8th 2016″, highlighted the Darwin Hospital’s Director of the Disaster Prevention Division.

The Organizing Committee opened the registration process on June 6th, for both national and international athletes. This year’s edition of the Tour de Timor offers a total prize money of 55,000 US dollars. This value does not include a bonus offered by the Committee to the top three ranked cyclists.

For the Díli Marathon, the Organizing Committee has prizes totalling 68,000 dollars, plus a bonus to athletes who can reach new national records for men or women.
