Message from the Prime Minister on the World Children’s Day – June 1, 2016

Children are the future of our Nation.

Every year, Timor-Leste and all the nations of the world celebrate World Children’s Day on June 1st.

This year, Timor-Leste celebrates this important day with the theme “Ensuring Education without violence against children.”

Who should ensure an education without violence against children?


Family, school and society are important spaces to educate children, who are the future of the nation. Therefore, education without violence has to be implemented in these three spaces, in the entire territory of Timor-Leste. If Timor-Leste wants a bright future and away from violence, we must educate our children in a non-violent environment.

Parents are ultimately responsible for educating children with love and not with violence, without verbal aggression or swear words, let alone beating and physically punishing children.

Teachers have an obligation to share knowledge, through means that catch children’s attention and methods that make the acquisition of teachers’ knowledge enjoyable. We cannot educate children in an environment full of fear, swear words, anger, violence or worse. An environment full of physical violence, in particular an environment where adults strike children, does not contribute to teach children not to become violent. Striking children is opening the door for them to become violent.

The great role of society is to be an example for children. Society educates children through the environment where they live in. Be it in the village, in the suco, in the municipality or in any part of the territory. When a member of a society commits violence, verbal abuse, says swear words, argues and does not respect others, not even children, he is not educating them to live away from violence.

Therefore, family, school and society, throughout the territory, have the obligation and the great responsibility of educating children without violence, preparing them not to become violent people in the future.

The Government, through the Commission on the Rights of the Child has expressed its commitment to the protection and promotion of the rights of children, for them to learn and to develop in a healthy environment, where “they will be heard and reach their potential”.

“The promotion and protection of the rights of children began in Timor-Leste, since the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified in 2003, becoming an important part in the country’s national policy. The Government, with the support of UNICEF, NGOs, Civil Society and religious organizations, is developing the Action Plan for Children, avoiding any kind of violence and promoting health, education and the well-being of children”.

Children are the future of Timor-Leste. And this future will be better when we all say NO TO VIOLENCE in the education process of our children. Only then can we ensure a good future for all children, throughout Timor-Leste’s territory.

Union is strength! One for all and all for one!

