Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 31st, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, May 31st, 2016

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 31st, 2016

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:

1. Government Resolution on Public Service uniforms

The adoption of a Public Service uniform, to be used on national dates and official ceremonies, aims to dignify the Administration’s work, highlight a spirit of nationalism and contribute to the development of the esprit de corps of staff. It also aims to preserve and disseminate the historical-cultural heritage of the Tais patterns (traditional Timorese cloth), incorporated in the proposed design.

The submitted uniform designs were studied and approved by a technical team, including Directors-General, National Directors and heads of department from five institutions – the Civil Service Commission, the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture and the Secretariats of State for the Support and Socio-Economic Promotion of Women, Youth and Sport, and Arts and Culture.

2. Second amendment to Decree-Law no. 27/2008 on the Public Administration’s General Careers Regime

This diploma readjusts the salaries and wages of the employees of the Civil Servant’s General Careers Regime, which has not been updated in 7 years.

The realignment of the General Career Regime also aims to avoid the unnecessary proliferation of special career schemes, which is detrimental to the harmony of the Public Service system.

The Public Administration Reform determined by the Government Programme aims to improve professionalism and productivity in the Public Service. The development of new legislation, starting with this amendment to the General Careers Regime, also considers the adoption of the contribution to the pension scheme and retirement pension.

An increase in the number of leadership positions in the Public Administration has also led to the creation of a system for service commissions, which will now integrate their own regime. Therefore the previous provisions, which dealt with leadership positions, has been repealed.

3. Decree-Law on Leadership Positions Regime in the Public Administration

The Public Administration of Timor-Leste, due to its size and complexity, requires the establishment of specific rules for directors and chiefs. The service commission positions were, until now, regulated within the framework of the General Career Regime. It was decided, now, to separate the systems and to establish some special requirements for the exercise of leadership positions.

This diploma establishes the framework of personal skills required from candidates for these positions of leadership. It also regulates the conditions for renewal and termination of service commissions, ensuring better work conditions for employees.


The Council of Ministers also examined:

1. Career Regime for the Senior Professionals in the Public Administration

The Civil Service Commission proposes the introduction of a specific career to senior professionals, which, according to their qualifications and experience, will have their own regime.
