Technical-Scientific Meeting of CPLP’s Civil Engineering Laboratories in Dili

The Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications (MPWTC) held a coordination meeting for Engineering Labs in Dili, on May 2nd, 2016, to discuss the arrangement on cooperation between the National Civil Engineering Laboratory of Portugal, the Camões Institute and the Civil Engineering Laboratories of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (in Portuguese: CPLP).

The Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Estanislau da Silva, said that while the meeting is restricted, it is very important to strengthen cooperation in the area of Civil Engineering Laboratories.

The Minister explained that “it is in them [Civil Engineering Laboratories] that the State should entrust fundamental competences regarding the promotion of quality in construction, the scientific support plan, the regulation and follow-up of construction activities, as well as the research plan to allow us to probe and anticipate the future.”13120672 217151848676758 669579331 o 300x168 Technical Scientific Meeting of CPLP’s Civil Engineering Laboratories in Dili

Minister Estanislau also added that “Timor-Leste has enjoyed international solidarity, mirrored on the most diverse forms of cooperation. This arrangement is further evidence of the cooperation with our brother countries of the CPLP “.

In this meeting, the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications, Gastão de Sousa, the President of the Special Economic Zone for Social Market Economy, Mari Alkatiri, the President of Commission “E” and of the National Parliament, Pedro Mártires, the Rector of the National University Timor-Lorosa’e, Francisco Miguel Martins, representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, representatives of the Office to Support the Rotating Presidency of CPLP in Timor-Leste, delegates of  Civil Engineering Laboratories of the CPLP and guests also attended.
