Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 10th, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, May 10th, 2016

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 10th, 2016

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:

1. Decree-Law to amend Decree-Law N.11/2012, on Hospitals of the National Health Service

The Hospital Statute, approved at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 28th, 2011, has been found in its application, to not ensure full compliance with the recommended management practices of National Health Service hospitals. It was found that the administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy model has not been applied to all hospital units, and some of them are still not technically prepared for an effective provision of services. The new Decree-Law approved today by the Council of Ministers addresses the existing shortcomings.

2. Decree-Law on the Statute of the National Hospital Guido Valadares (Portuguese acronym – HNGV)

At the meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 21st, 2015, the Government recognized HNGV as a body with indirect administration from the State, giving it administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy. The present diploma approves the Statute of HNGV, which includes competencies, operational standards and services. Regarding the territory covered by its services, the hospital is to ensure the delivery of healthcare to the municipalities of Dili, Ermera, Liquiça, Manatuto and Aileu until the creation of the respective Municipal Hospitals.

3. Proposal for ratification of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States

The Council of Ministers approved a resolution to ratify the ICSID – International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, a multilateral international treaty, in the internal Timorese legal system. The ICSID establishes mechanisms for alternative resolution of conflicts between States and national (investors) of other States, which are party to the Convention. With this approval Timor-Leste intends to complete this procedure by sending it to the National Parliament for ratification.

4. Government Resolution on the National Strategy for the Reduction of Marine Litter

The protection of the environment and the preservation of natural resources is one of the main objectives of the Timorese State, as stated in the Constitution. In Timor-Leste, marine litter presents itself as a particularly serious threat to health, the environment and to biodiversity, which makes it necessary for public authorities to promote the adoption of nationwide public policies to prevent and combat its proliferation. The Basic Environment Law stresses the responsibility for the improvement of environmental performance and for the development of coordination and cooperation between public and private entities. It also attributes the responsibility to promote overall protection, conservation and sustainable use of the environment through the application of policies, legislation, programmes, plans and projects.

5. Proposal for a Resolution for the Ratification of the Agreement between Timor-Leste and Indonesia concerning Activities of Cooperation in the Defence area

The Council of Ministers approved the proposal to ratify the Agreement between the two countries in the area of defence. The objective of this agreement is to promote bilateral relations in the field of defence, in accordance with national laws, with the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized standards of international law.

6. Draft Law on the 1st Amendment to Law N. 10/2009, of August 5th (Remuneration Statute of Judicial Magistrates, Prosecutors and Public Defenders)

After analysis at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 12th, 2016, the Government approved the first amendment to the remuneration of the principal judicial actors. The update of the salary scales improves some aspects of the salary and benefits system enjoyed by Judicial Magistrates, Prosecutors and Public Defenders.

7. Amendment to Decree-Law N. 42/2008 which transforms the Radio and Television of Timor-Leste into a Public Company

RTTL is a public company under the tutelage and supervision of the member of Government responsible for Social Communication. RTTL’s Board of Directors is currently composed of a President, four members appointed by the supervising Government member, a member appointed by the Ministry of Finance and a member elected by workers. This amendment aims to reduce the number of members of the Board of Directors, and include two full time Vice-Presidents for the areas of Media and Corporate Services, so as to support the President in the daily management of the company. It also promotes the elimination of the Opinion Council, since it was shown to be an inactive and unnecessary component.

The Council of Ministers also reviewed:

 1. Activity Report and Accounts of the Technical Support Mission to the electoral process of São Tomé and Príncipe

The Technical Support Mission to the electoral process of São Tomé and Príncipe was approved at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 9th, 2016. Following the electoral process in Sao Tome and Principe, the Technical Support Mission today presented their report. The Council of Ministers examined the financial expenses inherent to the activities and approved the continuation of support within the framework of the electoral process.

2. State participation in TL Cement, Lda.

After the approval of Resolution N. 43/2015 on the Investment Project in a Unit of Limestone Extraction and Cement Production in Baucau, at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 24th, 2015, and with the authorization of the Special Investment Agreement for TL Cement, Lda’s Project in Baucau, at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 5th, 2016, the inter-ministerial technical team presented to the Council of Ministers information on the developments of the project, as well as their recommendations.

3. Technical Report of the Human Capacity Development Fund (HCDF)

The Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment presented the report of the financial execution of the Human Capacity Development Fund (HCDF), concerning the ministerial lines.

The HCDF is an instrument that aggregates the competencies to determine, finance and implement the entire Government’s policy for the qualification and training of human capital of the country. The goal is to promote transparency, responsibility and good management regarding the implementation of programmes and projects financed by the Fund.
