Minister of Justice meets in Lisbon with ASEAN representative

The Minister of Justice of Timor-Leste, Ivo Valente, currently the President of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries (Portuguese acronym CMJPLOP), has met with the Ambassador of the Philippines and the representative of ASEAN in Portugal, Philippe J. Lhuillier, in Lisbon, on April 18th, 2016.

At this friendly meeting, information was shared on the status of Timor-Leste as a member and current President of the Conference of Ministers of Justice, on the impact of justice on the social, economic and trade development and on relations between this Conference and its ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) counterpart.

Ambassador Lhuillier has declared his willingness to hold talks in order to establish a relationship with the Ministers of the Portuguese-speaking Countries. On the other hand, the Ambassador has also proposed to talk with the Philippine Government to support the Government of Timor-Leste on its accession to ASEAN.IMG 6073 300x200 Minister of Justice meets in Lisbon with ASEAN representative

The CMJPLOP Executive Secretary, Nelinho Vital, the Ambassador of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, António de Araújo, the Philippine Consul General, Gines Jaime Ricardo Gallaga, the Advisor to the Office of the Minister of Justice and members of the CPLP technical advisory assistance in Lisbon also attended the meeting.
