Timorese Presidency of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the CPLP praised by the Portuguese President

The Minister of Justice Ivo Valente took part in the joint opening meetings of the members of Supreme Councils of the Judiciary and of the Contact Points of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (Portuguese acronym CPLP) Judicial Network, on April 19th and 20th, in the Supreme Court of Justice, in Lisbon.

The President of the Republic of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, attended the meeting and in his speech commended the current Timor-Leste CPLP Presidency, “a fruitful presidency that opens prospects for setting out a new future strategy”.

For the Timorese Minister, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa accepting to chair the opening of the meetings “expresses publicly the high significance and importance he attaches to these events and to the role ascribed to the judiciaries’ organization and its discipline and control system.”

The Presidents of the Supreme Courts of Justice and of the Superior Councils of the Judiciary of Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal and Sao Tome and Principe and also the Portuguese Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem, attended this ceremony.160419 PRMRS MFL 0972 300x199 Timorese Presidency of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the CPLP praised by the Portuguese President

The Timorese Minister of Justice, President of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Portuguese Speaking Countries, Ivo Valente, stated that “when we look at the general features of the constitutional architecture of our States, there is evidence of an independent and autonomous body, responsible for the judiciary management and discipline, which preserves the essence of the self-government idea and ensures a democratic inclusion of the sovereign body – the court, respecting the democratic principles.”

During his stay in Lisbon, the Timorese Minister held a courtesy visit to the CPLP Headquarters and met with its Executive Secretary, Ambassador Murade Murargy, in the context of the meetings of the Supreme Councils of the Judiciary and of the Contact Points of CPLP Judicial Network.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=15137